Websmith – Creating a new page

To create a new webpage for your site you will need to go to

Enter in your username and password.
Then your site should appear with three links next to it,

  • List pages
  • New page
  • Edit Subsite

You will want to select “New page”

Fill in all the fields of the Page Creation Form,

For the Page URL enter in the name you would like to show up in the url with no spaces and end it with .php

Enter in what you would like for the Page Title.

For the Meta Description enter in a brief description of what this page is about.

For the Meta Keywords enter in any search words that you think someone would use trying to find this page and separate the words with a comma, no spaces.

For the Link file select from the drop down the name of your subsite_nav.php

Then hit the Create Page button

After you hit the Create Page button you will the get a message at the top of the page saying,
“Page data creation succeeded! New ID: 6102. (Security lockdown is currently in effect, so the file could not be created. Your data has still been saved in the database. Please send the page ID number ‘6102’ and the URL ‘/provost/example.php’ to webteam@wou.edu so we can create the page.)”

Send all of this to webteam@wou.edu and your page will get created.

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