
Well it’s that time of year again. No – not burning ants with a magnifying glass. It’s travel time. I’m headed to the 2005 Resnet Conference in Atlanta, GA. Between the conference and traveling it’ll be about a whole week.

ResNet 2005!

The conference is at Georgia Tech. I’ve never been the Georgia, so that should be fun. I’ve traveled to New York (NYC), Texas (Austin), and now Georgia. Add a recently planned trip to Hawaii next Fall, and I’m turning into a real world traveler.

Anyway so this conference covers all things ResNet (Residential Networking). They have people like me presenting sessions about things like viruses, file-sharing, out-sourcing residential networking, training, support, student workers, internal politics, security, standards, new services, and lots of other topics.

It’s a great opportunity to really take Residential Computing (our ResNet) up a notch. Not only do we need to stay current, but it’s really important that we have connections to get (and give) help from other similar institutions. The residential computing area changes so much from year to year, I feel it’s invaluable to get this kind of training regularly. I’m very appreciative that I have the opportunity to go this year.

Summer Transition

Welcome to Summer! Everyone’s favorite time… unless you don’t have Air Conditioning… anywhere.

The transition from Spring term to Summer is always a big change. Usually 400 million people walk past my window each day. Today I don’t think there was one. Don’t get me wrong, I love working down here and enjoy the youthful, exuberant environment – but Simon and Garfunkel had it right man… the Sound of Silence. Aah.

So yesterday we flipped the big magic switch and turned all residence hall connections off. That’s a good feeling. Like a house with 1000 doors and windows, and now only like 2 are open. It’s a good feeling. But nothing is ever as simple as is it seems. University Residences employs some students who live here in the halls, so there are SOME connections still live. And of course they are trying to move around so everything’s up in the air.

But HEY! Think about the good side… as soon as I have them all squared away, NCCDHRA..H..A..C.. I don’t know… whatever they are and the summer school folks will be here. Fortunately there aren’t too many of them so it won’t be like Fall Term.

Speaking of Fall Term, this summer should hold some interesting changes. We are losing what we thought would be our salvation – a cute little program that was supposed to save the world. It worked OK, but seemed a little cumbersome. Also we will be using a different AV (antivirus). This is the 3rd AV in the 3 years I’ve been here. Just so hard to find a perfect fit. Why do you think people buy new cars every 3 years?

Hm. Well I’m out of things to say about Summer Transition, however the whole comment about people and cars seems a poor way to end my first work-related blog.

If you haven’t checked out my first post, you should. Ren and Stimpy rocks.

I miss my student programmer Chris. He was a real quality person and he did a great job. I really appreciated him. I hope he does well at OSU/HP getting his masters.

*sniff* … gosh darn blog’s gonna make me cry. Who says technology is emotionless?

The Blog Song

What grips and whines, informs and writes
And keeps your butt in your chair?
What’s yours and mine, and here on display?
It’s Blog, Blog, Blog!

It’s Blog, Blog, it’s here, it’s useful, it’s blue.
It’s Blog, Blog, it’s better than bad, it’s sgood!
Everyone wants a blog! You’re gonna love it, Blog!
Come on and get your blog! Everyone needs a Blog!

This blog brought to you by:
“The Log Song”, from Ren & Stimpy

What rolls down stairs alone or in pairs
Rolls over your neighbor’s dog?
What’s great for a snack and fits on your back?
It’s Log, Log, Log!
It’s Log, Log, it’s big, it’s heavy, it’s wood.
It’s Log, Log, it’s better than bad, it’s good!
Everyone wants a log! You’re gonna love it, Log!
Come on and get your log! Everyone needs a Log!

– Copyright Ren and Stimpy something…. (or BLAMO!)