
Why does it seem like I so easily forget to blog regularly? It’s not like nothing is going on. There is ALWAYS something going on. Out of site, out of mind I suppose.

Well this was my first official week back after FMLA (Paternity leave). Our son is doing well and excels at the 3 things babies do.

John was instrumental in holding Housing and Dining together during my absence. They recently titled him the “Wizard King”. Applause for John!

Now that I’m back, I’m assuming responsibility as the Programmer Manager. I will also assist and direct the student programmers. I’m excited about this change, and look forward to helping shape the future of programming at WOU. There are a great deal of things I’d like to accomplish, including balancing workloads and increasing morale. It is a great opportunity, and something I’m most interested in.

After being gone for 7-8 weeks, I’ve finally manage to fit all of my email back onto one page…. a major accomplishment.

This is going to be a big year for Housing and Dining. Housing will be getting a DB migration from ASA (boo, hiss…) to Oracle (yeah!). We’re hoping to make that change during Spring Break, with some possible training. We’ll get a new version of the program too. Computrition’s next version, 16.5, will also so onto the new Oracle server. After we migrate Conference Programmer and all the PL apps, we’ll have one Oracle server with all the H&D data. Oh what a lovely day that will be. We also just got new computers which are nearly all in place.

The “combo” app (the WOU online application that now allows students to apply for housing as well) has been giving us a mild amount of grief, but overall it’s been an improvement.

I’m really pleased with where things are headed. We have lots of work ahead of us, but when is that not true? Well enough for one blog.

Happy new year!


We had another DevTeam meeting today. Since our recent departmental shifting, I’ve been asked to serve as the Programmer Manager. I’m pleased and humbled by the change – knowing I will grow both personally and professionally – and get some real change made.

Today I took more of a leadership role at the DevTeam meeting, with Alex and I driving the meeting. He’s been great and so instrumental in getting these meetings going. Now it’ll be my responsibility to keep them going and make sure they are valuable and productive. My desire is to find ways to build the team, work more efficiently and have a bit of fun in the process. Who says Nerds should be boring? Seriously.

Anyway, my todo list seems to grow daily as I steadily approach the birth of my first child. I’m really hoping to complete many projects before he arrives. I think I can get caught up, but we’ll see. Much remains to be done. And the days pass.

I’m thankful for the opportunity to affect change. I think change IS the only constant. And there is so much more we can do for our students, staff and faculty. I want to see WOU shine. As a team, I think we can make it happen.

It’s uh… been awhile.

Blogging really is more of an art than a science.

I just realized I haven’t written one in about 2 months. Wow.

So here goes.

Move-in went pretty well. We got more students online, faster, with less people than ever before. That’s noteworthy.

Went to Florida for a week to a CBORD conference. Learned some stuff. I just keep hoping and dreaming bigger. Integration is the word for the week.

Life is basically business as usual now. My todo list keeps getting longer. Strange. I’m sure looking forward to the Holidays this year. Lots of preparation going on. I’ve never really enjoyed working so much. But to see so many projects come together at home is very nice.

I still have a few timesheet mods to do.
I should get the developer meetings rolling again.
I have lots of little projects, but the big thing is getting this transfer from the WOU online app to CBORD working. It’s pretty crazy stuff. But I’m getting closer.

Back to work…


For those of you who don’t know, I use Oracle for middleware.

One of the primary uses is the constant interchange of data from Oracle (which I can control) to CBORD (which I can’t) and back again. We have lots of apps that throw data back and forth.

See, I can’t make CBORD crunch it’s data and organize things and add to it and show it all on pretty websites. So I dump data out to Oracle, where I can manipulate anything. Really.

So I’m working on the ever-famous Online Housing App, and am developing the file to dump from Oracle to CBORD. New (and complete) apps will be dumped to file each night, to be read into CBORD each night. Simple right? Wrong.

CBORD’s File-import is very specific and has to be followed perfectly. So today I started this process. I found all the fields in Oracle to dump out, and matched them (most all of them) to their CBORD counterparts. Then I have to get Oracle to make a properly formatted dump and try the import.

Big question: Can I dump all the fields 30 characters wide (names, dates, numbers, etc…) and will CBORD be a good kid and strip off the extra spaces – or will I have to calculate the maximum length of each field and custom mod the file and field lengths, etc…. to make it just so.

That’s what I’LL be thinking about this weekend. Or maybe just next tuesday…

Rip van Winkle

Time ever just …. pass for you?

Hi my name is Michael, and it’s been over 3 weeks since my last blog.

Apparently I’m not an addict. But I’m back.

Updates? Changes? Hmmm….. lemme think:

We got the registers put in last week. It was about what I expected. No Major issues, and everything still seems stable at this point. Time will tell. Soon I can RIP (no exaggeration) all the old gear and everything out of the telcom closets and Julie’s office. I’ll gain a monstrous cart and lose just PILES of old, dirty, nasty equipment. The new registers are hot. I’m excited about how well they should work. Here’s hoping my expectations aren’t too high…

John was a huge help. Sometimes another pair of hands makes a huge difference.

Still updating the Timesheet program. I should have 2 of the 3 remaining updates done this week. I may hold off on the 3rd update. It’s pretty big, but today I devised a way to test it.

Online housing app is still kinda on hold. I may work with Summer late this week, or early next week. We’ll see. I know she’s got a ton to do and at least as many deadlines as I.

I moved a bunch of deadlines back into November because time is running out and I wanna have as reasonable of expectations as possible for move-in. With Bradford better-than-ever and John here I’m thinking it’ll be pretty smooth.

Lots to do, but I think I’m on top of it. The online housing app is the major stressor and the thing I have the least control over.

The RA’s will be arriving in 2 weeks (sheesh). It’s like summer started just awhile ago, and now it’s over. Wow. Anyway, lots to do to prep for them. I think we’ve got a real chance to get into Fall Term without being so behind it’s terrible. Some hard work and good teamwork should land us there in great shape!

Oracle Developer Exchange

So I was doing this research one day long ago and came across something called “Oracle Developer Exchange” (or something like that). So I bookmarked it thinking it could be something cool – like a PL/SQL code repository, etc…

For StaffDev, John and I visited the website and found it to be little more than a support website for Oracle’s SQL Developer – a lesser alternative to Allroundautomation’s PL/SQL Developer. So after a bit of research on the site and looking for other code repositories, we found very little.

Why is it that there is so little published PL (PL/SQL) code out there? We can’t possibly be the only ones using PL in the world? Sites like www.asktom.com are rife with it. But: no one seems to be using Oracle and the web. Why? Is there something that no one has told us? Are we ‘cutting-edge’? (ha ha)

Anyway, I’m frustrated by the lack of code-sharing going on between PL developers. We may use it only for the web, and everyone may use it for other goofy stuff … but still there is a despairingly small amount of source lying around out there.

I’m thinking about making a PL code repository … just for me … or the world.


Copper = CU = Project Management

Alex setup and configured Copper today. It’s a project management software like MS Project, but it’s web-based and much simpler. The features are nice even though it’s not ‘perfect’. The reporting leaves something to be desired, but it’s still pretty cool.

Tomorrow we have a developers meeting. I’m pretty excited and my expectations are high. We may not get ‘a lot done’, but it’s the groundwork that I’m really really hopeful for.

Alex and I will probably be leading it, but we’re really hoping to get buy-in from everyone.

It’s time to think outside the iBox.

New people

These last two weeks, we’ve had two new people start in Housing and Dining. I’ve been running about trying to get security and access for them – and irritating people along the way.

I have a bad habit of wanting things now. Especially things that are do-able. So if I push too hard, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to irritate people but I probably do because I like to get as many things done as possible in one day.

I’m pleased with the new folks. They look like good additions to our teams.

Week o’ meetings

You know … it’s thursday – and I can’t really remember what I did this week. I went to some meetings. In fact, today I went to a LOT of meetings. But we got stuff done. But I wasn’t in my office as much as desired.

I guess it’s not all bad. I was hoping to have the online housing app stuff done by July 1. That’s like monday. So not so much. But no one is crying tears. I should have v1 ready by Aug 1 @ the latest. A little vacation next week should help r3lax0r me and chill me out.

Dale and I have been working on the Scheduler App which is ready for Beta. And it’s June. w00t

And Bill and I fixed the oracle EM on one of our servers. THAT’s been on my todo list forever.

Tomorrow is SOAR. So I gotta look pretty and talk to parents about computers. Plus I have some politics to negotiate, questions to ask and a meeting with Bill and Alex.

All in all, I’m busy (not bad – except for my diet) – but still getting stuff done. I almost had my todo list down to one page a few weeks ago. But not now. 2 or 3 projects will get the list shorter. And I found that only like 10-15 lines of my 60+ line todo list aren’t due before 10/1. Boy wouldn’t THAT be nice. Here’s hoping 🙂

To conclude this blog, I’d like to express my general thankfulness for my job. I could have it a lot worse, and I want to be as appreciative and thankful for this job (and the people who trust me in it) as I am blessed by it.


Well conference heck weekend is just around the corner and we’re pretty much as prepared as we can be. Paul and John did some configs and testing today, and Alex helped me make and prep more accounts. I think we’re in good shape for Sunday. I’m pretty sure the housing staff isn’t looking forward to it.

Now that the ‘conference craze’ is ’bout done, I can settle back into working on the online housing app. I’m still concerned about some of the future modules, but the basic section should work fine. Politics, policy and programmers could all be obstacles on this one, but I’m confident we’ll win the day in the end. Chris and Ann and I met for a few hours and made some real headway on the wordsmithing of the app and getting little details figured out. It might be OK. I just don’t like feeling like I’m doing the right thing the wrong way. That’s always rubbed me wrong.

It’s been awhile since I’ve had a really funny or controversial blog – I’ll work on that.