
To enhance security on our digital systems, WOU has begun to implement re-Captcha.

The captcha technology is designed to make it so that “bots” (automated computer scripts) cannot attempt to hack into web pages. Computer programs have advanced to read letters out of standard images, so the captcha images are purposefully obfuscated to allow humans to read it (although possibly not easily) and impossible for computers.

As an added value, re-Captcha uses real scans from books or magazines as the security words. So, in the process of security campus systems we also help Google digitize old copies of documents that computers have had difficulty with.
It’s the perfect marriage – security + academic progress!

Overall, the system works quite well. I’ve only had problems once or twice when entering the words. It allows you to refresh many times to find an image you think you can type in. Also, it provides an audio version for those unable to read the messy letters.

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