Updates Burst

There is a lot going on. September has arrived. Busyness has increased. Stress is climbing. Projects are nearing completion. Vacation time will have to wait until November…

Yet hope remains.

Today I sent my touch-screen Dell over to Richard so he could start monitoring the network. The Cisco IPS has been a really valuable tool in securing our network perimeter. It tells about of basically everything and we can simply filter out events that aren’t helpful/pertinent.

I cleaned up my desk and am trying to prioritize my myriad of tasks to help me stay organized during this busy and stressful time of year – in preparation for a new school year.

We released the SSO bar and the video. The Web2.0 experiment appears to have failed, but I don’t really like Web2.0 so I’m not really disappointed.
We have two upcoming videos starring … NOT ME. I’m excited to be able to give other staff member the opportunity to present areas of expertise and increase general knowledge/training of topics like security, VDI and Banner/EDW.

I’ve been working with Dr. Dukes and Mike Ross to get the Health and Wellness center program purchased and rolling. Ross will be taking over this project next week – after I help them finalize some details.

We’ve made some upgrades to DNS/DHCP that will help the campus run more securely and with greater stability.

That’s all for now.

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