
This month I’ve been working on:

Everbridge (3n Emergency Notification) integration with the Portal.

Preparations for the conversion of AllFacStaff email to allow filtering. I hope to go live with this system next week, but we’ll see.

We’ve implemented some VoIP technology in our department lately. It is very interesting and we are just learning the basics at this point. New areas on campus are very likely to only get VoIP phones from now on.

I have 4 programs that need upgrades before Fall Term: Timesheet, Dining’s Nutrition page, the Campus Wellness Challenge (CWC) and (of course) the WOU Portal. Each of these programs comes with a unique background and current set of complication. My goal is to make each easier to use and more fully integrated into the campus environment.

I’ve also been experimenting with Linux, and hope to get Oracle installed on at least one flavor of Linux/UNIX to do some testing.

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