Report Writing

I finished a new report this morning about 1am.

We ran a system-wide test of our campus Emergency Alert system and I had 18k+ lines of data to play with. Metrics, oh lovely metrics — how do I measure thee?

Anyway I threw our new layout onto the report and found a cute (and crazy simple) way to do some to-scale bar graphs. That made me pretty happy cuz it really helps the report.

I’ll probably pull another data load tomorrow and that little report can go to Presidents Staff. I have some other research to do as digging through the data has caused me to ask some new questions.

From a high-level IT perspective, making a summary report for a bunch of data seems like lame — but I really enjoyed it. Couldn’t tell you why, but I did. I’m real pleased with the result. I hope they want more metrics that I can program into that report…

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