I learned something new today…

Lately seems like I learn something new every day. I’ve been spending a LOT of time reading lately. Articles and websites and books and emails and just about everything.

They say the primary difference between you now and 10 years in the future is what you read.
Interesting thought. I’ll philosophize that later.

Sometimes I’m concerned that if I keep reading and learning at this pace one day I’ll have to raise my hand like the kid in that Far Side comic who says “Teacher can I go home? My brain is full.” Well it hasn’t happened yet and I’ve probably still got some time … and space.

Today a grad student came into the office needing some help. They were attempting to extract some data from a website, but the content was being shown by flash. Attempts to print the information were unsuccessful.
After some playing around I tried printing the document (via their interface) to my Adobe PDF creator. This produced a fantastic high-quality result that the student was able to print.

I was extremely pleased that I had not only solved their problem, but had learned something in the process. It gave me a moment to think, which I appreciated.

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