Dream weaver

So, I was recently asked by a department to setup a tutorial on how to login to a WOU Terminal Server and use Dreamweaver to build a website. No sweat.

The day before the presentation, I was asked by the department if I wanted them to make photocopies of my handouts. Handouts…..hmmm…. I remember those…yeah.

So then I decided I probably should have handouts. Having *ahem* not yet created the tutorial (or learned to use Dreamweaver myself yet) I decided that I could do more than handouts, and make a powerpoint. Then I had the fabulous idea of making the presentation INTO a webpage – and build it using Dreamweaver – two birds with one stone… and all that.

For the record, I hand-code all my HTML. Some people would call that being 3l33t, but really I’m just a huge fan of having absolute control.

Anyway, for those interested, I posted the Dreamweaver Tutorial to my P Drive. Now any WOU campus member can follow the instructions, login to a WOU Terminal Server from anywhere in the world, use Dreamweaver to build a page and post it to their P Drive.

On a personal note: I was driving to work recently and heard a song by Gary Wright called Dream weaver. That was super creepy. I wasn’t around in the 60’s or the 70’s, so folks my age constantly hear ‘new’ things for the first time (which have been around for decades). I hadn’t really heard the word(s) Dream-weaver until Macromedia used it for the name of a program. But it was a song LONG before. Interesting how life is cyclical, eh?

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