
For those of you who don’t know, I use Oracle for middleware.

One of the primary uses is the constant interchange of data from Oracle (which I can control) to CBORD (which I can’t) and back again. We have lots of apps that throw data back and forth.

See, I can’t make CBORD crunch it’s data and organize things and add to it and show it all on pretty websites. So I dump data out to Oracle, where I can manipulate anything. Really.

So I’m working on the ever-famous Online Housing App, and am developing the file to dump from Oracle to CBORD. New (and complete) apps will be dumped to file each night, to be read into CBORD each night. Simple right? Wrong.

CBORD’s File-import is very specific and has to be followed perfectly. So today I started this process. I found all the fields in Oracle to dump out, and matched them (most all of them) to their CBORD counterparts. Then I have to get Oracle to make a properly formatted dump and try the import.

Big question: Can I dump all the fields 30 characters wide (names, dates, numbers, etc…) and will CBORD be a good kid and strip off the extra spaces – or will I have to calculate the maximum length of each field and custom mod the file and field lengths, etc…. to make it just so.

That’s what I’LL be thinking about this weekend. Or maybe just next tuesday…

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