Rip van Winkle

Time ever just …. pass for you?

Hi my name is Michael, and it’s been over 3 weeks since my last blog.

Apparently I’m not an addict. But I’m back.

Updates? Changes? Hmmm….. lemme think:

We got the registers put in last week. It was about what I expected. No Major issues, and everything still seems stable at this point. Time will tell. Soon I can RIP (no exaggeration) all the old gear and everything out of the telcom closets and Julie’s office. I’ll gain a monstrous cart and lose just PILES of old, dirty, nasty equipment. The new registers are hot. I’m excited about how well they should work. Here’s hoping my expectations aren’t too high…

John was a huge help. Sometimes another pair of hands makes a huge difference.

Still updating the Timesheet program. I should have 2 of the 3 remaining updates done this week. I may hold off on the 3rd update. It’s pretty big, but today I devised a way to test it.

Online housing app is still kinda on hold. I may work with Summer late this week, or early next week. We’ll see. I know she’s got a ton to do and at least as many deadlines as I.

I moved a bunch of deadlines back into November because time is running out and I wanna have as reasonable of expectations as possible for move-in. With Bradford better-than-ever and John here I’m thinking it’ll be pretty smooth.

Lots to do, but I think I’m on top of it. The online housing app is the major stressor and the thing I have the least control over.

The RA’s will be arriving in 2 weeks (sheesh). It’s like summer started just awhile ago, and now it’s over. Wow. Anyway, lots to do to prep for them. I think we’ve got a real chance to get into Fall Term without being so behind it’s terrible. Some hard work and good teamwork should land us there in great shape!

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