Well conference heck weekend is just around the corner and we’re pretty much as prepared as we can be. Paul and John did some configs and testing today, and Alex helped me make and prep more accounts. I think we’re in good shape for Sunday. I’m pretty sure the housing staff isn’t looking forward to it.

Now that the ‘conference craze’ is ’bout done, I can settle back into working on the online housing app. I’m still concerned about some of the future modules, but the basic section should work fine. Politics, policy and programmers could all be obstacles on this one, but I’m confident we’ll win the day in the end. Chris and Ann and I met for a few hours and made some real headway on the wordsmithing of the app and getting little details figured out. It might be OK. I just don’t like feeling like I’m doing the right thing the wrong way. That’s always rubbed me wrong.

It’s been awhile since I’ve had a really funny or controversial blog – I’ll work on that.

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