
Today, thank God, is the last wednesday I’ll be working for some time. I work wednesdays in April, so as to oversee the Presignups process. It’s strange, wednesdays. I haven’t worked them for so long, it’s really a different way of doing things. I’ve been calling it 5 8’s, but it’s not really that. Wednesdays for me are errand days. Mowing the lawn, going shopping, cleaning the house, etc…

How do the rest of you get things done? Seriously! I’ve had such a hard time takin’ care of business without wednesdays because that’s when I get caught up. When do you service your cars, or work with businesses that only work M-F 8-5? Lunch? Oh maybe that’s what I’m doing wrong…. (since I don’t really take one). But what if you have to deal with someplace in Salem or Portland? I don’t get it, wednesdays are SOOOO awesome.

But then there’s this other side. When I work 5 days-a-week, I leave at 6pm. Like, the sun is still shining @ 6. (weird). I get home and have time to do more than just eat and go to sleep. I can actually like … do stuff. ‘course I’m still kinda tired, but not SO tired.

So it’s still a toss up.

1. Work 5 days-a-week. I get 5 longer nights, but am tired each day.
2. Work 4 days-a-week. I get 4 short nights, but get a whole fresh day to … whatever.

I’ll stick with my 4 10’s, but its been nice to try something else for a bit. It’s like september, where I get to switch it up a bit. Variety is the spice of life.

You can live your life in a rut, or a groove. Sometimes they look the same, but you can feel the difference. I guess Simon & Garfunkel had it right… feeling’ groovy.

I feel like I’ve woken up from a three week sleep. And I’ve done just that. Three weeks of fighting allergies and taking medication and feeling uber-fuzzy. Now I can think again. I can dream again. My list gets shorter, not longer. I’m gonna win after all.

I’m listening to Thirteen Senses right now. Good band (thanks Ruckus). I’m always so pleasantly pleased when I find a band I really like. I’m pretty tolerant, but real picky. I like music that I can listen to over and over. But I burn through music that way. My head memorizes it and gets tired of it. And quick. Today this music puts me in a more thoughtful mood. I used to use techno (particularly trance) to code. Somehow it ordered my mind and allowed me to focus and write and type and cipher all simultaneously. But trance can put me in a weird state, so I stopped listening to it.

I’ve been thinking a lot more about music lately. How it can affect our productivity at work. How it can change our mood, etc… (lol) It’s like a mind altering drug. But we get to choose the flavor. Reminds me of a blog I wrote about how we ‘program’ ourselves daily, by what we listen to, etc…

I know it’s not true, but I feel like I’ve gotten more done in the last 3 days than in the last three weeks (maybe not today, but mon/tue were great). I’m gonna continue striving for ever-increasing performance. I wonder if I can learn to work like a runner runs a race to win. Only one winner. There’s a change in mindset. To be the best. That’s what I want.

… *more thoughts* …

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