Presignups …. 2k7

So the first rollout of Presignups is done. As of 5pm, residents can now login to the Portal, sign their financial commitment and update their preferences.

Next week Squatters (residents able to stay in their own room) can choose their room, followed the next week by Movers (residents wanting to choose a different room).

The goal is that everyone would be able to choose their optimal room and that nothing breaks.


Well here’s hopin’. I never really trust software that I didn’t write. Configuring someone else’s tool and crossing your fingers never really does it for me. ‘Course my own software isn’t flawless – far from. But I can fix it. I hate being limited by other peoples’ stuff. Meh.

Should I trust my own software? Perhaps I don’t trust myself. But upon this introspection, I think I need to be more focused when writing software. I choose … now … to write precise, non-assumptive code. I also need to not produce, but create. A machine produces, and innovator creates.

What do you get when you mix code and philosophy? Me, I suppose.

I’ve felt so unfocused lately. I used to be able to code for 5 hours, then wake up and eat lunch. 5 more hours of code and I’d go home. Simple. Elegant. I want to get back there. Perhaps I’ve learned to multi-task. What if that really isn’t a good thing?

I think I’ll start practicing focus. Distraction seems to be playing it’s part. With a little help and a litle practice, hopefully I can turn this temporary disadvantage around.

Blogging is good. It’s honest. Will anyone read it? Does anyone care? Probably not, but it’s like self-help for the do-it-yourself-er. Never thought writing could be so helpful.

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