I’d rather be…

Well I was sick most of this week. Only been in part of yesterday and today. I don’t really love being sick, who does? You feel rotten, and when you return, your more behind than ever. Phooey.

But I’m back, and just finished cleaning up the little messes that happened while I was gone.

Yesterday I engaged in a mental exercise involving Self-Modifying Code. The concept has engaged me from my techno-infancy.

Code that changed itself…fixes itself…Improves itself.

It’s quite a concept. But can a DB (database) do it? ‘course – but it has less to do with the code and more to do with the data.

Recently (and the whole issue that’s been inspiring my … dangerous thinking) I’ve been fighting with a system that constantly gets out-of-sync with another system (although they are supposed to be always the same). Why can’t I run a process (oracle job) that checks to make sure they are the same, then if it finds problems … FIXES them. It’s revolutionary, and not at the same time. Why can’t the DB fix itself. It can. And soon it will.

I’m also gonna create a tool that logs all bugs from all of my apps. Another process will check the DB for all common problems AND will email a status report to me on the days I work. Brilliant.

Now how to find the time to set all of this up? Ah, there’s the rub.

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