AJAX: Asynchronous Javascript and XMLHttpRequest

What does it mean? Well I started here. I found this ‘new’ technology on the internet that wasn’t really anything new, just a mixed bag of other technologies. Summer and I started working on it, but ran into some technical issues. But those have now been resolved.

So what’s the point? What’s the deal? Why do we care?

AJAX allows a developer, such as myself, to dynamically manipulate the web page as I see fit. It allows me to receive input from the user, bounce that input off the DB and change the screen accordingly – all without submitting the page.

Think of it… a web application that behaves like a desktop one. Real application intelligence, improved user-experience, and all for the price of air.

So you can see my first success here. It’s not anything super-special. But it fills the second drop-down dynamically from the DB quickly on both browsers. It’s not much, but it works.

Now it’s your turn.

DREAM. Dream big.

The possibilities are endless. I’m excited to see not only what we CAN do, but what we REALLY do.

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