… and meetings shall inherit the Earth.

Ever just felt busy?
Seem like meetings fill your days from morning til’ night?

Anyway, despite all of this, I’ve actually gotten some things done. There for a week or two, my list got longer each day instead of shorter. I had 20+ emails in my inbox (which is like my todo list). I was a busy guy. I was coming in and going home seemingly without progress.

It’s still busy, but it’s betters. Are you allowed to use the words it’s twice in one sentence. Weird.

So yeah that WOUPortal is almost there (as it has been for 2 months now). One of these days folks, I’ll actually get it out there to you. Ron will write a UBER-good FAQ on it and the whole (WOU) world will use it and fall helplessly in love with it.
Then I woke up.

But seriously, I think it’s got a lot to give and I hope people use it and I hope they like it and I hope my meetings don’t take over my life and yes I’ll finish it. Someday.

We’re working on upgrading Karen’s registers on campus. Hey diddle-dee-dee boy wouldn’t that be amazing. No more nasty impossible to replace hardware, etc… Registers that plug into the network. Oh bliss. Rapture.

What else….

Still have some mods to do on the Timesheet program. I’ll be doin’ those soon as the WOUPortal is done…. going …. released…?


Man, I hate feeling busy. It’s like running in quicksand. You get tired, but the scenery don’t change. Meh.

But I know from experience that this too shall pass. Oh and it’s been sunny – also strange. Anyway, I’ll get some of these things then I’ll feel more productive. Life will return to smiles and sunshine (again with the sunshine… what a bizarre January)….

Yeah I’m done.

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