My Blog is like totally lagging…

I just realized that it has really been awhile since I last blogged. I’ve tried to be very faithful in my bi-weekly blogging, but for some reason I seem to have forgotten all last week, and this week so far. Not that I’m gonna write 4 this week to make up for it…

It seems like blogging can be a very healthy place/way to express one’s feelings, thoughts and victories/defeats. I think it’s nice that people are willing to share a little of themselves in their Blog – whether it be what home projects they are working on during the summer (ah, home improvement) or just thoughts from their day.

For instance, I’ve noticed quite a few of us have been doing home improvment projects. This month, my wife and I are hoping to paint the downstairs (inside) of our house. White is clean and bright, but not soft or particularly warm. We are going to be using a two-tone feel with maroon and beige (2 opposite walls of each). I told me wife I’d buy her a new fridge if she painted – so she’s pretty into it right now.

Some landscaping is also on the agenda, as I have a pretty big yard and lots of grass to take care of. I weeded a good third of it this last weekend, but there is still much to do. Primarily this month I’m hoping to ‘trim the edges’ of my yard by putting a one foot border (black plastic wall, with weedpaper and gravel) between the grass and the house. I can use that work to estimate how much it costs per foot, so I know what to budget for the whole yard. I probably have 300 feet of trim to do, so it’s no easy project. I’m gonna start with about 30 feet, and see if it’s what I want.

Finally, during StaffDev this morning Ross and Dale trekked across the long plains of WOU to visit John and I and help little old me with a bug. I’d been trying to get a schema to run some code, but couldn’t do it. They came over and as I explained the problem to them I figured it out (as ever). So we talked about shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings…

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