Work Orders

The last few days I’ve been investing some real time into our new online Work Order system. We currently use a quadruplicate-half page colored form to write and track work orders. I think we can do significantly better than that.

Not only will the system allow residents to create work orders, it provides accountability and trackability to different levels of the system. Also, the typical collection and routing delays (and possible losses) should all but disappear. RAs, residents, staff and maintenance themselves will all be able to add a Work Order for any building in the system (which is expandable for use on any building).

So, module 1 of 3 (user module) was completed today. Next we have the maintenance module (large) and the billing module (tiny). I hope to have this app in beta by 7/21 so we can adequately test each piece while fitting into each area’s schedule.

If all works well (which I anticipate at this point), we’ll go live 9/1.


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