
And I was having such a productive week too…

Today John and I continued our effort on project VERCON. We made some headway and were starting to take the next step… then we ran into a wall.

It seems that you can select from sys.all_source (with the appropriate privelegs) from a SQL window – but when you do this same thing from a procedure it seems to default rights back to public. This means that even when I’M the one running the query (with DBA rights, no less) from a procedure, the only results are what any standard schema can see.

This is obviously a problem, as we want to be able to copy both public and private code from the sys schema’s all_source table. More importantly, why can we do it from a SQL window, but not from a procedure.

Anyway, that’s where we stopped today. We made some progress, we learned some stuff – but now the whole project is halted until we can figure this issue out.

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