Presignups (last update)

Presignups has gone well overall. We’ve had a few little ‘bugs’ which we’ve gotten resolved quickly. I’m very pleased. We spent a lot of time testing and it really helped out. I admit I forgot a few things and that has caused us a tiny bit of grief, but we got them resolved and it’ll never happen again – since next year’s setup will be a copy of this year.

Our total returners are just over 300, with a lot of Reapplicants (students wishing to live on campus, but not reserving a specific room). I think our numbers will continue to improve, though we’ve had doubts here and there over the last few weeks. All in all, it’s been a success with no measurable decrease in applications due to this ‘new process’.

You know, it’s never a sure thing when you move from a very manual process to an online process. It requires a tiny leap of faith. Will people get it? Will it work? Will they remember? I mean we’re dealing with a lot of the same issues, but now there’s all this technology in the way. THIS process fortunately hasn’t been so much like that, and the technology hasn’t gotten in the way.

Presignups is a success.

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