Presignups Update

This blog could go in a lot of categories. I chose this one, as it’s an on-going project and will continue to have updates in the future.

Squatting started this morning. “Squatting” for the layman, is the process by which Squatters (upperclass residents eligible to stay in their same room next year) choose to stay in their same room next year. Not everyone who can does, and not everyone can (freshman for example). Squatting began at 8am this morning, and already 16 residents have chosen that option. Things are progressing nicely.

So far the only technical hiccup was a resident who tried to update her music preference, but some data corruption has caused a technical glitch. That having been solved, then diagnosed, I don’t expect (who does) anymore technical issues to occur.

On that note, I’m pleased that we had this little bump. Have you ever written something or set something up and thought to yourself “Something’s gonna break..” ? I think that a lot. I’m a very hopeful person – I’m not a cynic or particularly pessimistic. So why do I feel this way? I guess I don’t really feel this way about life, but I DO feel this way about programming/programs.

It really bothers me if something that I write/configure has NO PROBLEMS. That’s almost scarier than something really wrong happening? What did I forget? What is going on that I don’t know about? Am I a techno-phobic? What’s my deal?

Perhaps the fact that I dislike disappointment so much causes me to guard myself by assuming that something WILL break. Then I’m either right or happy – no way to lose there! But that’s no way to live life. I want things to work and work well. If I applied that thinking to programming for say… Air Traffic Controllers that would be a HORRIBLE philosophy.

So maybe I just need to test more. But then I’d get less done. I mean, we fix 98% of those little hiccups in
Anyway, you get the idea. Perhaps Bill, while trying to open my eyes and cause me to see the ‘bigger picture’, has created a monster. I’ll let you make the call.

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