StreamCam and all it’s glory (ha!)

Well the break was nice, but it’s time to get back in the groove (not to be confused with a rut).

One of the most irritating things about taking leave is that things seem to wait to break until I’m not here. Streamcam, for example… I’ve had multiple issues with this baby-server over the last 6 weeks. As we took steps to resolve one issue, we often ran into another issue.

Finally it’s been stable lately. John is now checking it each morning (as best he can as the lab is 10Mb and Remote Desktop just doesn’t have enough bandwidth to do an adequate job). Soon I hope to be able to give John more and more responsibility when it comes to cameras. He’s done a good job with tasks I’ve given him in the past, and I am hopeful of that performance in the future.

We have a few more ‘deploys’ to do (moving folks from BigBro to Streamcam). Once those are done, I think cameras on campus will be more stable in general. I’m looking forward to that.

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