Unified Security Code

Don’t you just hate it when you’re all excited about something, but you can’t really explain it (or talk about it) to people around you?

Let me give you an example. Today I finished testing/debugging some security code that Summer and I put together. It is basically a one-stop shop for UCS developers to secure their PL/SQL applications. But… I can’t really talk about where it is (not in here). I can’t explain the subtle programming interwoven into the algorithms (even though it rocks). I can’t really talk about how to use it (although it’s commented). I shouldn’t even talk about what programs use it, and which ones don’t.

However, I can tell you that with this new code, every developer can secure his/her PL/SQL applications with just a few, quick procedure calls. Each application can have it’s own security that works in multiple ways. Programmatically, Summer and I do things differently (partly due to who we work directly for). So it not only handles ‘my kind’ of applications, but hers as well. In general, it should cover basically any LDAP authenticating PL/SQL application.

I can tell you that I have two applications successfully migrated to the new security, and so far am quite pleased.

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