Ask not for whom the bell tolls….

Today signals the beginning of the end. For soon we shall say that fond farewell to a friend and companion of many seasons. Through rain and snow, power outages and firmware upgrades…. he’s been with us – through it all.

Alas BigBro. Your time draweth nigh.

So today, the old camera server was taken down and is getting replaced with a computer to only view BigBro. However, BigBro won’t be running long (we pray) as the machine that USED to be the camera server is becoming something even better: StreamCam. StreamCam will be a streaming camera server that will replace BigBro. Most importantly with the pre-configured ActiveX Control, we can view our 46+ monitors (3X3) in 5 monitors instead of 7. Not only does not allow more flexibility, but growth as well.

So Hail the Victorious Dead! Bigbro served his purpose. He was there in the best of times, and the worst of times. But now he is obsolete. New things have come, old things are passing away. So it is with BigBro. (This is all assuming the new stuff works, but I have high hopes).

Further bulletins as events warrant.

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