Oh mighty Solaris!

Well today I joined in a group that was finishing up the Solaris 10 install on a little box in ITC 008. Mike and Shaun were fighting with VI (vi ?) trying to modify a text file so that we could more appropriately use the OS to do what we want to do.

I was a little late to this little party because I have been invited to the OUR (Housing & Dining) Staff meetings which are ALSO on thursday mornings – from like 9am till 10ish. So those every other week meetings occasionally conflict with my now-standard thursday 930am-11something UCS staff meetings.

But it’s all OK – I can make it work.

So after watching a short portion of the modification of this text file (which was an OS file I’m guessing), we rebooted and could not login.


He taught us all something about logging into a slightly-hosed Unix machine ( that I probably won’t remember ) but included in it a little lesson about physical security. It was like watching a good cartoon. It’s funny, exciting, action-packed…. but there’s a lesson to be learned. A little something about real life that you and I can learn from those muscle-laden, gun-blazing, trash-talking superheroes we all know and love ( it’s OK if your cartoons are plush, soft-speaking, carrot-eating jokesters).

Anyway, as we were doing all of this to eventually install Oracle 10g, and get it up into test, we finished this step relatively close to a meeting I had scheduled, so decided to adjourn.

But I can’t wait to get 10g going. So much new stuff, and we need to see if some of our existing applications will be compatible with the new DB platform. Basically we are going to start catching up, which makes me excited.


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