Professional Development

In a sweeping move of policy, the priority of our professional development has taken three T-Rex sized footsteps forward.

If in the eventuality that we don’t end up having a staff meeting (for 1 of X reasons) we are to use that time, 930-11am thursday mornings, for professional development.

Public response: Positive.

You ever said “I’ll do that when I get around to it…”. Yeah. Well this lovely new idea allows (nay, requires, nay – empowers) us to utilize time that has already been hacked from our schedules like thick jungle grass cut with a dull machete.

So for all those projects that we’ve been putting off and putting off, and well avoiding or trying to forget (or just putting off) – mostly cuz we have too many ‘fires to put out’ – now we can use some pre-dedicated time to get those done. But now! It doesn’t stop there… we should also being learning new things that many of us don’t feel the freedom to “stop” and take the time to do. Like learning something new (heaven forbid).

Anyway, the 2nd SUPER reason for this is that other people are ALSO free, and so cross-training can happen, as well as learning from folks that know a bunch but are usually to busy/whatever to be able to teach (like Travis). I think this is the best idea yet since the pool table and Joe’s blendmaster Fridays.

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