Our New Mail Delivery Routes

Below is the order that we will be delivering the mail to department mailboxes. Because of decreased staffing and increasing volume, I am unable to guarantee a set delivery time to any department going forward; it is suggested that all departments have their mail ready to pick up at the designated point by 10:00am daily. Anything that is placed in the outgoing mailbox after we pick up will be collected the following day.

Starting @ 10am

Starting @ 11am

Student Health & Counseling Mailbox

Math & Nursing Mailbox

Maaske Hall Mailbox

Werner University Center Mailbox

Todd Hall Mailbox

The Cottage

Campbell Hall Mailbox

HSS Mailbox

Natural Sciences Mailbox

West House (Business & Economics) Mailbox

APSC Mailbox

Luellan Administration Building Mailbox

Old Education Mailbox

Hamersly Library Mailbox

RWEC Mailbox

Facilities Services

University Housing


Advising Center

Devolder Science Center Mailbox

Health & Wellness Center Mailbox

Rice Auditorium Mailbox

Music Mailbox

University Computing Solutions

Child Development Center

Campus Public Safety

Campus Dining/Valsetz



About Amanda Bales 39 Articles
Mail Services Supervisor, former student worker. I have a BS in Psychology/Communications and a MS in Counseling. And I work in Mail.