
With the add() method, as will all components.

Buttons in a Box

Your Ideal Weight


The example program has been modified so that BorderLayout is no longer used for the content pane. Instead, the two button panels are added to a box (with horizontal alignment). Horizontal glue is added to separate the two button panels. Now the box and the result panel are added to the content pane (using BoxLayout with vertical alignment). The result is seen at the right; it is visually much the same as the previous version. The following fragment shows how this is done:

  . . .
  JPanel       genderPanel;  
  . . .
  JPanel       heightPanel;  
  . . .
  Box          buttonBox;  
  . . .
  JPanel       resultPanel;
  public IdealGlue()  
    // gender group
    . . .
    // height group
    . . .
    // button Box
    buttonBox = new Box(  );
    buttonBox.add( genderPanel );
    buttonBox.add(  . () );
    buttonBox.add( heightPanel );
    // result panel
    . . .
    // content pane
      new BoxLayout( getContentPane(), BoxLayout.Y_AXIS ) );
    getContentPane().add( buttonBox );
    getContentPane().add( resultPanel );


Fill in the blanks.