How many objects are there in this program? How many reference variables are there?


There is one object (after the new operator has worked) and there are two reference variables.

Picture of One Objects and Two Reference Variables

Here is a picture showing the situation in the new program:

Now when the expression strA == strB is evaluated, it is true because the contents of strA and of strB are the same (they both contain the same reference).

    String strA;  // will contain the reference to the object
    String strB;  // another copy of the reference to the object
    strA   = new String( "The Gingham Dog" ); 
    System.out.println( strA   ); 

    strB   = strA;
    System.out.println( strB   );

    if ( strA == strB )
      System.out.println( "Same info in each reference variable." );  

When two reference variables refer to the same object, the == operator will evaluate to true.


In the new program, did the == operator look at the contents of the object?