
No. There are ways to deal with this problem covered in the chapter on exception handling.

Example Run

Here is an example run of the program:

C:\Temp\>java NamedFileInput
File Name:    myData.txt
The square of 1 is 1
The square of 2 is 4
The square of 3 is 9
The square of 10 is 100
The square of 11 is 121
The square of 12 is 144
The square of 13 is 169
The square of 23 is 529
The square of 45 is 2025
The square of 67 is 4489

The user entered several spaces before the file name, but the trim() method took care of them. If this had not been done, the spaces would have been included as part of the file name and the file would not be found, resulting in a non-graceful termination of the probram.


Is it ever useful to send output to a disk file?