A single single taxpayer with an income of $24000 up to $58150 (inclusive) falls into the 28% "tax bracket."


// check that the income is within range for the 28% bracket
if ( income >=24000 && income <= 58150  )
  System.out.println("In the 28% bracket." );
  System.out.println("Time for an audit!" );

Complete Boolean Expressions

AND combines the results of two relational expressions, like this:

income >= 24000  &&  income <= 58150
-------------       ---------------
relational            relational
expression            expression

Each relational expression must be complete. The following is a MISTAKE:

income >= 24000  &&      <= 58150
-------------        ---------------
relational             not a complete
expression             relational

This is INCORRECT because the characters that follow && do not form a complete relational expression. The Java compiler would not accept this.


Here is an incorrect boolean expression that is intended to test if a person's age is between 21 and 35.

age >= 21 && <= 35

Fix the boolean expression.