Welcome to WOU's Data Quick Views page!

This page contains a variety of visualizations on students and staff at WOU, covering topics such as degrees awarded, enrollment, faculty and staff demographics, retention and graduation, and tuition and financial aid information. The Data Quick Views page is updated annually by WOU's Office of Institutional Research.

Please explore the visualizations! If you have questions, comments, or feedback, please contact either Mike Baltzley (baltzlem@wou.edu) or Georgia Armitage (armitageg@wou.edu).

Dashboard showing key metrics at WOU including retention rates, graduation rates, admitted applicants, enrolled applicants, revenue sources, and cost of attendance

The data depicted in the image above can be found below:

First-Time, Full-Time Graduation Rates
Transfer Graduation Rates
First-Time, Full-Time Retention Rates
Enrollment Funnel
Admitted and Enrolled by Year
Revenue Sources
Cost of Attendance