Revenue Source Year Revenue Percent
Tuition and Fees 2018 30
Government Appropriations 2018 22
Auxilliary Enterprises 2018 18
Other 2018 31
Tuition and Fees 2019 28
Government Appropriations 2019 22
Auxilliary Enterprises 2019 17
Other 2019 32
Tuition and Fees 2020 23
Government Appropriations 2020 26
Auxilliary Enterprises 2020 14
Other 2020 37
Tuition and Fees 2021 26
Government Appropriations 2021 28
Auxilliary Enterprises 2021 6
Other 2021 39
Tuition and Fees 2022 22
Government Appropriations 2022 30
Auxilliary Enterprises 2022 14
Other 2022 34