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Elisa Maroney
2018-01-11 12:10:14
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The queue for this request is:

Graduate Committee  » 
Faculty Senate » 
COE Dean » 
Provost » 
   Yes by Gregory Zobel (2018-01-16 20:09:43)
Comments: Approved.
   Yes by Adele Schepige (2018-03-01 13:22:13)
   Yes by Mark Girod (2018-03-10 07:17:18)
   No by Stephen Scheck (2018-05-23 13:47:22)
Comments: I have reviewed the petition materials and have decided to delay approving the requested change to campus-wide conditional admissions criteria until further assessment of graduate outcomes is completed. My action is based on a number of observations:

1. Nationally, our current standard admission requirements are consistent with universities across the nation.

2. Conditionally admitted students do provide students the opportunity to demonstrate current abilities at a minimum test score threshold.

3. I have a concern about depending on grades in courses because we have documented examples of students receiving A’s and B’s in their program of study that have difficulty passing their comprehensive exit exams.

4. I appreciate the argument given by Dr. Maroney at Faculty Senate that students with hearing accommodation needs do not necessarily perform well on standardized tests; however, my understanding is that testing accommodations are made by testing services for students with documented needs.

5. A comment or question made at Faculty Senate about what program preparations will be in place to assist students, who may have testing difficulties, pursue career tracks that will have standardized testing requirements required for licensure. Without such preparation steps well delineated, I believe making test exempt conditional admissions could set students up for high expectations that are later, diminished. Further planning around this issue should be undertaken prior to changing admission standards.

6. It is my understanding that several graduate programs have not filed required graduate learning outcomes evidence with the Office of Academic Effectiveness (Associate Provost Sue Monahan). I am uncomfortable with altering admissions criteria when we do not have a complete picture of how the current graduate programs are faring with their students such as retention to graduation and post-graduation placement success. Establishing such evidence would provide necessary information on whether our acceptance standards are rigorous enough to ensure quality outcomes.

I appreciate the interest of faculty to be supportive to students. At the same time, I wish to be certain that we are providing capable students with a challenging graduate program in which they can be successful, graduate and be competitive in the job/career market.

Pending: Amy Clark (, Susan Hays (, Jason Horne (, Breeze Potter (
Sent to Amy Clark (, Susan Hays (, Jason Horne (, Breeze Potter (